Friday, December 18, 2015

How to base data with PostgreSQL

The world's most advanced open source database.
  1. Knowledge
    1. PostgreSQL is an open-source database.
  2. Strategy
    1. Install on AWS EC2 Ubuntu.
    2. Configure the database.
    3. A example Python script is provided.
  3. Execution

Thursday, December 17, 2015

How to store data with Druid

Fast column-oriented distributed datastore.
  1. Knowledge
    1. Druid is an open-source distributed data store, currently utilized by Netflix, Yahoo and others.
  2. Strategy
    1. Download the tarball.
    2. Dependencies
      1. Apache Derby
        1. Install the tarball.
        2. Configuration.
      2. Zookeeper
        1. Install by tutorial instructions.
    3. Run the server.
    4. Execute a simple query.
    5. Execute a complex query, fast.
  3. Execution

Friday, December 11, 2015

How to contain software with Docker

Lightweight. Open. Secure.
  1. Knowledge
    1. Docker allows you to package an application with all its dependencies into a standardized unit for software deployment.
  2. Strategy
    1. Linux
      1. Tutorial
    2. Mac OS X
    3. Windows
  3. Execution

Thursday, December 10, 2015

How to teach a machine to learn

Machine learning in Python.
  1. Knowledge
    1. Scikit-learn is a toolkit for machine learning in Python.
    2. It explains how it solves machine learning problems
  2. Strategy
    1. Scikit-learn provides a tutorial for getting started.
    2. Although, where do we even start if our application is huge, nuanced and complex? Let's use nearest-neighbor thinking to build off a similar solution! (a quick google search found it)
  3. Execution

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

How to keep secrets with Vault

A tool for managing secrets.
  1. Knowledge
    1. Vault is a data-store for your infrastructure's tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and generally all things secret.
  2. Strategy
    1. Installation
      1. Download and install the binary.
    2. Configuration
      1. A config file is loaded with the Vault CLI -config flag.
      2. Two fields are required, Backend and Listener.
        1. Backend is where the Vault data is stored.
        2. Listener is where Vault receives API requests.
  3. Execution

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How to monitor services with Consul

  1. Knowledge
    Service discovery and configuration made easy

  2. Strategy
    1. Installation
    2. Configuration
  3. Execution

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How to add dynamic text to Rails applications

How can you change your application from this...
To this?
It's simple! Just use embedded ruby!

EDIT: Thanks to Action Dan for some feedback that picks into the niche differences of web application frameworks.

Bear in mind this is a Rails specific post, but I will say that for purposes of building larger applications, the ability to organize and refactor code begins to become a problem

Rails also offers uniform ways to add and remove helper functions through package management, so I'm actually using the current_user function generated by adding the Clearance gem to my project. 

The simple markup syntax is one small reason people like using Ruby on Rails to develop web applications.

Using a helper function (that I didn't even have to write) are two "behind the scenes" benefits of using Rails to develop.

If your confused about the current_user helper I'm using, read more here.

Program on!